Kidney Transplant at Apollomedics Hospitals

Kidney transplantation or renal transplantation is a process of transplanting a kidney to a patient with end stage kidney disease. Kidney transplantation is classified as deceased-donor or living donor transplantation depends upon the source of donor. Living-donor transplantation is further classified as genetically related or unrelated transplants, depending on the biological relationships between the donor and recipient. A kidney receiver (recipient) generally needs one kidney but in some rare cases, the patient may receive two kidneys from a deceased donor. Mostly, the infected or diseased kidneys are left at their places and a new kidney is placed in the lower abdomen. How does the kidney work? Our body only takes nutrients from the food we eat and convert it into energy. After consuming all the nutrients the wastes products are left behind in the blood and bowel. The kidneys and urinary system consume chemicals such as potassium and sodium and remove the waste ca...